Measure profile with curves
Include how to report XY deviation of entire curve, from best-fit.
Under Resources – Results to file, you can output the individual point deviations, which would be in the vector direction.

If you need to report the overall XY deviation, as in the shifting of the entire contour, you can do it this way:
- In the curve feature, go to Evaluation – click the Best fit check box.

2. Click the Edit (pencil) icon, and set the constraints to Translate XY only.

- The XY shift should show up on the bottom of the report, but you can also report it separately as follows:
- Click the Alignment button to generate an alignment based on that best-fit.

- Create a theoretical point with XYZ nominal of zero, referencing the best-fit alignment.
- Create another theoretical point that recalls the previous point, referencing your datum alignment. Use this point to report the X and Y deviations of the profile.